Progressive Housewares is the trade bible for everyone who is anyone in housewares. Independent cookshops and housewares retailers, multiples, department stores, supermarkets, multi channel retailers, suppliers, manufacturers, designers, agents - all are avid readers. Each issue contains comprehensive housewares news covering everything from hard-hitting issues to uplifting human-interest stories and inspiring initiatives; Extensively researched market focus editorials examining key and emerging housewares sectors; Comments and views on hot topics from industry experts and retailers from across the housewares spectrum; Insightful and entertaining retailer articles, plus our ‘What’s Cooking’ retailers’ bestsellers; Interviews with industry leaders and celebrities; Stylishly produced product focus and ‘What’s new’ pages; Dedicated news and views pages for our industry associations: bira and BHETA; Stunning magazine design, unsurpassed print quality and an easy to read format that you can dip into or study, anytime and anywhere.
Published 6 times per year with supplements in some issues and includes Progressive Tableware Worldwide.
Published 6 times per year with supplements in some issues and includes Progressive Tableware Worldwide.